hey! too tired to hit the gym or you just can't make up the time to throw in a little workout during the day? well then, here are some really simple workouts you can do anytime anywhere but for those who cant workout during the day, you wiil find the exercises quite useful.

This is also known as "star jumps", this is one of the easiest exercise ever and fun too, believe me *wink* , all you have to do is jump up and down while flapping your hands like a bird [sounds fun right?], just spread out your legs a little and lift your body from ground level while clapping your hands together in an upward motion, trust me it's easier than it sounds. 50 reps of this will do for your evening workout.

This actually sounds like you taking a bite from some crunchy potato chips *ding* wrong answer, lol, this my friends is what I refer to as the lazy girl workout not because it isn't effective, nah, just because it's easier than jumping jacks and because you can do it while lying down, yep, you didn't read wrong, you really can do this on while lying down, crunches comes in different flavor but the easiest of them is just plain crunches, lye on your back with your legs bent at knee level, slightly spread apart, hands behind your ears while you raise your head to chest level before going back down then rep. crunches will definitely get you those abs you've been dreaming of, 1 mins rep of this can be added into your evening workout routine.

Just like the name implies, you can be at home jogging in a spot while letting your imagination run wild, you can pretend you are jogging at the beach, jogging in the juggle [just because it rimes] or you can remain grounded in reality while having a one minute in-spot jog, lol , one minute is all you need as time goes on you may decide to take it longer.

Here is another one of those exercises where all you have to do is lye on your back and lift something, in this case, your legs, just lye down straight on back and raise your legs up and then take down again but this time stop a few inches from the floor before your raising them back up again. 30 seconds rep of this will do for starters.

Wowza, this exercise will actually make you feel like one minute is an eternity but the results is truly mind blowing, this like the crunches also comes in different flavor but I'm going to stick with plain plank, all you have to do is lye straight with your front facing downward while using your elbows and your toes to prevent your body from touching the floors, be sure to tighten your stomach to get the full effect of this workout. if you are a beginner and you last more than one minute on your first try [ I didn't ] then you my hero. *smiles*

If you have any questions or you are in need of health and fitness advice [I have to specify So I don't get turned into a love doctor]email me at easyfitnessfam@gmail.com I will do reply.


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